Monday, February 22, 2016


So, today I am sorting through some things that I have been talking to God about. I don't know all of the answers yet but I know some of them. I'm sorry to be so vague but you know how it is when you think you know but want to be sure. Or, even if you know what He is telling you, it's for you and not everyone else. I'm trying to discern all of that but for now what I know is this:

This blog is His. It's the only place that I know that I can put my heart and thoughts of Him and things He wants me to share out there and be completely real. It's simple. Whomever comes here is here because they want to see or know more. That's the only reason to be here. In too many situations, I feel like either someone wants to filter me out or that I need to filter myself to not be too "preachy" or "fanatical" in the eyes of others. That is not something I can keep doing all the time. I know there are others out there, somewhere, that share my heart and views. Maybe some will stumble upon this blog as a happy accident. I pray God will use it to enlighten and touch us all. God bless and I hope you enjoy it. :)

This is one of my current favorite songs.  I used to be all about the music when I was younger. Now, I'm all about those lyrics, 'bout those lyrics, no kidding. lol  Sometimes you can have both. This is one of those songs. :)

Thursday, February 11, 2016

:D Very nice.

My website is on its way. The bones are getting pretty strong. Now, I need to polish it a bit and start fleshing it out. I think I've accomplished quite a bit for one evening though. ;)  Thank you, God, for helping me get the background graphics to straighten out. :p  I'm whooped. It's time to crash. God bless you all, even though you aren't able to see this right now. lol

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