Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Even Then by Micah Tyler

Here are a few songs to get you started this morning.  Up first are a couple of new favorites. Then an old favorite. Then, a song by Lauren Daigle. ;)

I hope you have a beautiful day!! God bless you!

Even Then - Micah Tyler

Stand In Your Love - Josh Baldwin

What Do I Know Of Holy? - Addison Road

O' Lord - Lauren Daigle

Play time. ;)

I finally got some more journaling done this weekend. I cannot take credit for the image ideas. I was inspired by Pinterest.  I have added details in a couple of places and changed colors here or there.

One of the things that I did this weekend was personalize the inside covers of my HCSB Compact Bible.  This mini Bible measures roughly 4 inches wide and 6 inches tall. It fits really well in hand. It is a nice size to for a purse or backpack. They come in a variety of colors. I also have a brown one with gold gilding.

This is my NASB NoteTaker Bible. It is primarily what I use for journaling.

Here are a few things I did in it recently. 
Romans 1:12

Luke 6:27-28

Isaiah 26:3

These are in The Study Bible for Women (HCSB).

These are both tip-outs. The one on the left is just notepad paper. 
The one on the right is actually a paper sack that I can slide papers, prayer requests, sticky notes, whatever in.  I used decorative duct tape to adhere the bottom side. I tried washi but it wouldn't hold. \

Here is what it looks like when they are tipped outward.

That is all for now.  What do you think?
Do you want to give Bible journaling a try, too?
Hopefully I will be able to do some more this week. I really enjoyed it. :D 
Blessings to you all!!

Bible Study: Luke

So, I have a Bible study group that I like to attend. I can't always make it due to work but I go when I can. Right now, we are studying the book of Luke. I am really enjoying being able to be back in the fold. I have missed my friends. However, it is even sweeter with my HCSB The Study Bible for  Women. I just love the layout.

Because I love the layout, the info, and even the blue hue to the pages, I find it extremely easy to just dive in and keep swimming through.  I love just grabbing my highlighters, my sticky notes and some gel pens. I feel like a kid with fingerpaints. lol Seriously.  I enjoy it. For right now and for this Bible, I have no color code. I just contrast so it is easier to pick out things.

I will say, though, that I have figured out why I should also be using larger sticky notes in tandem with the small ones. I had peeked at the Quest study notes while I was doing my study. Then, I was in group and trying to remember where they were to mention them. OOPsie! I got confused which Bible and the exact wording. I will have to write out the notes I want to remember and stick them into this Bible in the future. ;)  Problem solved.  I can even take a composition journal page, I believe would fit in it, roughly anyhow if not, and use the restickable glue stick.

I will leave details at the end if you are interested in this Bible. There are also NKJV and CSB versions.

Here is part of my marking for Chapter 11.  I know, I know. I highlighted a LOT of stuff. However, it is Jesus whom is speaking. How can you NOT mark that as important?  It is not red letter but it is read letter. ;)

I got mine at Christianbook Distributors. Mine is hardcover but LeatherTouch is also an option. Amazon may have it as well.  There are 2 versions from 2 different years. This is the updated one. It seems to have more notes. However, in order to get a LeatherTouch and to figure out the differnces, I got both slightly imperfect at Christianbook on a good sale. I paid about $15 for both together. This is large print not thumb indexed. The old version LeatherTouch is standard print.

Ha!  I added 4 more stickies and made a tip-in since this pic. We had another study and I love making notes of great comments during. This was so much fun. There was some great discussion!

I have already read Chapter 12 for the next meeting. I need to read the study notes in this and my other 2 study Bibles. I have highlighted different topics throughout the chapter and then used a glitter gel pen to underline things that stood out in that topic to me.

If you are interested in making your own sticky notes (out of just about anything- note pad paper, index cards, print outs, then check out this video.

I hope that you enjoy these posts. I would love to hear your comments or questions.

I hope you are having a beautiful week. It's a great day to jump into the Word. ;)

Sample Text