Sunday, March 21, 2021

Quiet 🤫

Hey everyone!  

I hope that you are having a beautiful weekend! 

Life always seems to run at a crazy pace. Sometimes we need to just slow it down a little. 

Sometimes it really isn't everything else in our life that is running rapidly out of control but just our own minds. Our thought patterns can feel like a circus monkey or like they are running NASCAR laps. We shouldn't need to constantly fight to hear ourselves think. Clearly, we are at odds a good bit of the time with WHAT to think or how to process everything in the first place. 

There are so many voices that are rising up in our minds to be heard- friends, family, coworkers, politicians, social media, etc.  I even heard on a YouTube video awhile ago (The Silent To-Do List)  how even everyday things talk to us. Dawn, from The Minimal Mom, was talking about the dishes that say "wash me, dry me, put me away" and the clothes that say, "Why haven't you been able to fit in me?", "Why do you make impulse purchases?", etc.  I'm not trying to push minimalism (though I can see a few convincing benefits) but she is onto something with how noisy our lives are and again in the other video, discussing the Four Burner Theory, how easy it is to feel tossed around in our thoughts and actions. (I just heard You'll Never Walk Alone in my head because I almost said "tossed and blown." lol  "Walk on through the wind. Walk on through the rain, though your dreams be tossed and blown.")  

Seriously, though, we are trying to plan ahead but thinking about the past. We are trying to decide what to believe and what we should give priority to. We also spend entirely way too much time worrying about and avoiding things or people. Often we either don't know which end is up or trying to fix what is upside down. We are overwrought by decisions and sometimes that may mean we make none- which only snowballs it all even more. 

The devil is also always quick to jump in and have a say, even though he tries to make us believe it is our own thought. "You'll never be able to accomplish that." or "Who is going to listen to YOU??"

Sometimes it is miscommunication or presumption based on circumstance, maybe even through a non-descript text message. We hear, "WHAT did she just say?! Did she called me a LIAR!!" But, in reality, that wasn't what she meant at all and there is a good explanation for whatever it was. 

Maybe when we decide to step out in faith toward a positive change or a dream -"You can't make that change, you'll never live up to the hype. You'll only fail."  

We need to remember that not every thought that pops into our heads is ours. Be careful who you rent mental space out to. We need to fight these negative and destructive thoughts at every turn. Not every thought is a happy thought, perhaps. Some will inevitably be negative but if it is opposed to the Word of God, it doesn't hold water and should be banished from our minds. Our thoughts become words. Words, especially our own, hold a LOT of weight in our minds. We are with ourselves 24/7. We cannot escape our own thoughts. Yet, the words that should hold the most weight are those of Our Creator and King of Kings. He knows better than anyone what is meant to be and should be accepted. He is not only with us 24/7 but knew us before He knitted us in our mother's womb. (Jeremiah 1:5; Psalm 139:13-18)

"13 You alone created my inner being. You knitted me together inside my mother. 
14 I will give thanks to you because I have been so amazingly and miraculously made. Your works are miraculous, and my soul is fully aware of this. 
15 My bones were not hidden from you when I was being made in secret, when I was being skillfully woven in an underground workshop. 
16 Your eyes saw me when I was only a fetus. Every day [of my life] was recorded in your book before one of them had taken place. 
17 How precious are your thoughts concerning me, O God! How vast in number they are! 
18 If I try to count them, there would be more of them than there are grains of sand. When I wake up, I am still with you. "
~ Psalm 139:13-18 (God's Word Translation)

2 Corinthians 10:5 says, "We pull down every proud obstacle that is raised against the knowledge of God; we take every thought captive and make it obey Christ." (Good News Translation)

We need to slow down and hear what God has to say. He was the only one who was there when we were being created. Not only has He designed us but He has thoughts and plans for our lives as well. I am attaching the links for the videos that I referenced above. They are well worth the watch. 

I hope you have a beautiful weekend and remember that we were blessed to be a blessing. (Genesis 12:2) 

The Silent To-Do List (this is LIFE CHANGING!) - The Minimal Mom

How to finally find balance (& stop feeling behind!) - The Minimal Mom


you'll never walk alone - Susan Boyle - Lyrics

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