It is so easy sometimes to get caught up in the flood of things that seem important. Maybe they are important for our overall well-being. Maybe they are important for a project or deadline. Maybe they are important to us, personally, for our goals or even just for our quiet time. Yet, nothing is more important that our time with God.
God is the source and center of life itself. If it were not for God, we would not exist. Period. There is no other possibility that we, as we are in this physical state and form of living and breathing could have happened any other way. He is also the author and perfector of our faith. Everything that we have and do stems from Him. He is gracious and He is kind.
He is the King of Kings and He knows us by name. It's not a formal sort of knowing but the most personal there can be. He knows us intimately because He is the one who formed us in our mother's womb. He knew exactly the type of person that He needed to be in this world. He knew exactly what He wanted them to look like- stature, eye and hair color, and how their voice would sound. He designed them perfectly for His purpose. He knew exactly where He would place each one in time and location. He knew who they could impact and be impacted by for His good. Some would be seeming to the world to be missing vital parts of their bodies...feet, legs, sight. Yet, those differences would serve to build a strength of character in those people to not only live their own lives but to encourage and touch so many others by learning to maneuver around their weaknesses, and finding their strength in Him.
God knows our every need and desire. He knows our thoughts before we think them. He watches us while we sleep and waits for us to rise so He can walk with us through our day. Yet, do we think of Him when our eyes open? I think there are quite a lot of us who do, if even just to say thank You for another opportunity to get it right and to continue working to fulfill His purpose for our lives. Then what? Do we continue the conversation and ask what He wants us to do today? Do we spend time in prayer and worship? Or do we determine our own steps for ourselves and for the Kingdom and trudge ahead, trying to make our own path?
When we wake up in the morning, it seems as though we are but one person. Depending on if we have a spouse or others that we live with, there may be no other tangible person in the room as we go about our routines and activities. But God. He is eternally omnipresent. He is right there with us, 24/7. We don't physically see Him but we can feel Him in our spirit and see Him there sometimes, too. He waits for us and longs for us to look for Him, talk to Him, and to lean into Him. He is our heavenly Father. He loves us with an unfailing and everlasting love.
Today, I was doing what seemed plausible to do on my day off. There is a buffet of things that "need" done. I put my hand to the plow first on spiritual things- Bible studies that I am starting to fall behind in. I am also needing to study for one that I will be leading. I zoned in on which focus needed to be a priority. That is fantastic. Except one thing- it wasn't.
While I was pursuing that path, it's almost as if the Holy Spirit Himself tapped me on the shoulder and I was in sudden awareness. I had gotten so busy trying to do things FOR God and not drop the ball of accountability, that I had not included Him in it personally. I had not had my quiet time with Him. You can liken it to having breakfast or coffee with a friend. You sit, you discuss, and you set out plans. Then you put it into motion. Where had I stopped to sit with Him this morning? I had instead, essentially, spoken to Him in passing as I waved and set about my day. Wow. 😦😞
I was immediately humbled. I apologized to Him and went to YouTube to listen to worship music. There was already song up where I left it for "later" (I am the queen of tabs) but "later" had not yet come. I hit play and began to listen. I was spiritually on my face as the words washed over me. They were so true. I apologized to God for not seeking Him in all these things. God created us for communion with Himself. I acknowledged that I need His help every moment of every day. (I am hearing Danny Gokey in this moment singing the chorus of We All Need Jesus. "24/365."
I have had to leave this post and come back and still, the lyrics and message of this song just hit me in my spirit every time I replay it. I will leave it here for you to listen to as well. I pray that it hits your spirit in the same, sweet way- with the realization that He is always infinitely bigger and wiser than we can ever hope to be. His arms are always ready to embrace us to encourage, comfort or to just simply love us. He is always willing, ready, and trying to lead us. We just have to get out of the way first. 💗
🌹Be blessed and spend time with your heavenly Father.
I will also link the Danny Gokey song. It is so important that we try to see others through God's eyes.