Friday, November 29, 2013


I have been fighting sinuses and dehydration for a week or so now. Every time I think it's one, I treat it with water or garlic, etc, and the other shows through. Then tension headaches started. It turns out that the migraines or tension headaches actually can be caused from dehydration, acute sinus issues, poor posture, how you sleep (if it affects your neck) and probably other reasons. I think it mentioned smoking, too. I don't do that but most of the rest has me. I keep trying to get energy and sleep but I started feeling better yesterday and then didn't get enough sleep. Tonight I'm trying but it's not working well. Great is our God. He will help me through. I plan to be taking the bull by the horns this weekend and getting some stuff done! ;)  There's so much to do!   Blessings to anyone reading this. <3


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