So, I was working through my prayer binder this morning. I was acknowledging God for all that He is. I read over the Biblical Hebrew names I had added recently. I had highlighted the name in pink and the meaning in yellow. As I read down through the meanings, it struck me in a new way.
I already new it but in different words. I knew Him as, "the lifter of my head", "where my help comes from", etc. Yet, looking at this list, I gained a more blunt perspective...."My Hero." lol (Yes, I even heard the sappy scenario play in my head when I thought that. The characterization of the damsel in distress that acknowledges the one who came to save her. With a sugary voice she says, "My hero!!")
But He is!! It's so true:

He is : Lord Almighty, Master, divine Salvation, Sanctifier, Shepherd, "the Lord who is present" (there), Healer, our Righteousness, Provider, our Banner, our Victory, Peace, "the Lord of Hosts", "the most high God", "the strong one who sees (El-Roi), "the Everlasting God", Jealous, Mighty, Powerful.
After reading all of these things, how can we see Him as anything but our hero?
My list of reverence in my prayer binder also listed this:
"--You are
omnipotent (all-powerful),
omnipresent (everywhere),
omniscient (all-knowing),
immutable (unchanging),
eternal (everlasting),
love (hesed OT, agape NT)"
He sees any injustice and is mighty to save. He puts a hedge of protection around us. He lifts us up when we fall. He answers us when we cry out to Him. He carries us and gives us strength. He is our "Creator, Provider, Protector, Savior and King." He is our Superman, our Batman, and any other good superhero all rolled into One. He is Lord of ALL. How AWESOME is THAT?!? :D :D :D
Wow. Thank you, God, for giving us new revelations when we seek you. It all added up to the same thing but the light just shown from a different perspective that brought even more realization.
Thank You!!
I hope that you were as blessed as I was by this acknowledgment as I was and I pray that you are inspired to reach into your own prayer time and seek Him even more. <3
I just stumbled upon this list and it has a few that are not mentioned here. I will have to add them to my binder. ;) This is one of my favorite ones so far on it - CETHER = My hiding Place (Ps. 32:7). I love to take refuge in the Lord!! Psalm 27 is one of my favorite passages. Maybe I need to do a post on that chapter alone.
Also, the purple quote is from a song my son sang at VBS last year. The full song is below. I highly recommend it. lol It had this mom singing it when the kiddo wasn't even with me. ;)
I already new it but in different words. I knew Him as, "the lifter of my head", "where my help comes from", etc. Yet, looking at this list, I gained a more blunt perspective...."My Hero." lol (Yes, I even heard the sappy scenario play in my head when I thought that. The characterization of the damsel in distress that acknowledges the one who came to save her. With a sugary voice she says, "My hero!!")
But He is!! It's so true:
He is : Lord Almighty, Master, divine Salvation, Sanctifier, Shepherd, "the Lord who is present" (there), Healer, our Righteousness, Provider, our Banner, our Victory, Peace, "the Lord of Hosts", "the most high God", "the strong one who sees (El-Roi), "the Everlasting God", Jealous, Mighty, Powerful.
After reading all of these things, how can we see Him as anything but our hero?
My list of reverence in my prayer binder also listed this:
"--You are
omnipotent (all-powerful),
omnipresent (everywhere),
omniscient (all-knowing),
immutable (unchanging),
eternal (everlasting),
love (hesed OT, agape NT)"
He sees any injustice and is mighty to save. He puts a hedge of protection around us. He lifts us up when we fall. He answers us when we cry out to Him. He carries us and gives us strength. He is our "Creator, Provider, Protector, Savior and King." He is our Superman, our Batman, and any other good superhero all rolled into One. He is Lord of ALL. How AWESOME is THAT?!? :D :D :D
Wow. Thank you, God, for giving us new revelations when we seek you. It all added up to the same thing but the light just shown from a different perspective that brought even more realization.
Thank You!!
I hope that you were as blessed as I was by this acknowledgment as I was and I pray that you are inspired to reach into your own prayer time and seek Him even more. <3
I just stumbled upon this list and it has a few that are not mentioned here. I will have to add them to my binder. ;) This is one of my favorite ones so far on it - CETHER = My hiding Place (Ps. 32:7). I love to take refuge in the Lord!! Psalm 27 is one of my favorite passages. Maybe I need to do a post on that chapter alone.
Also, the purple quote is from a song my son sang at VBS last year. The full song is below. I highly recommend it. lol It had this mom singing it when the kiddo wasn't even with me. ;)
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