Friday, February 21, 2020

Split the Sea

Music is one of my personal favorite ways to get into touch with my thoughts and feelings. God uses that to the good of our relationship, as well. He knows that He can usually speak to me through music and I will pick up on it, even if just telling me doesn't work.

Sometimes, like now, He puts a song into my head and it will keep playing off and on until I do something with it. Sometimes He is trying to get me to listen to it and give me wisdom or an answer to something. Sometimes I feel led to share it on Facebook and not know for whom.

Other times, if that doesn't work or He has someone specific in mind, it won't go away until I share it where or when I feel He is leading me. At least once He has really laid it on my heart to share it directly with a specific and known person. That was really cool because it was the first time that He had done it that way and I wasn't really sure of myself in hearing Him. Yet, He stretched my faith and blessed the other person through it like He was originally intending too. He rocks. 💖😊

Why am I telling you this??  Well, it is because it is happening now. I have the song "Split the Sea" by Hannah Kerr on my mind all night. I am starting to get a little bit tired. I had actually forgotten what the song was that had been kicking around up there while I was doing other things on the blog.  I asked God to remind me what it was and He did almost instantly. So, without further ado, here it is. I hope that you are blessed by it. I really feel like someone is needing to hear this. With God's perfect timing, it could be now or someone who happens to cross this post 5 years from now. Whomever you are, here you go. 😁  God bless you!! 

Split the Sea - Hannah Kerr is a bonus video. lol  I left the song playing while I edited a little bit on the posts.  There was another Hannah Kerr that I need to check out when I am actually able to pay better attention. It is called "Giants Fall."

Then, THIS song came on. All-Time Favorites List alert!! lol

Write Your Story by Francesca Battistelli -Yay!! 😁


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