Friday, October 21, 2022

What's On My Heart 💗

 Good evening, all.

There is so much going on right now in life. It's hard to keep up and keep track of all the thoughts and things that need done. However, with God's grace and tender loving mercy, it will get done. God is so faithful. I aspire to that. I know I can never be as faithful in this fleshly nature on this earth as He was but I can do better than I have. I am sure that we all can. I just want to leave this song with your for now. 

A friend recently quoted her pastor in her podcast, Heels On Water, as having said, 

"If you know who you are, then you know what to do."

I agree with that. This song has been on my heart for two days now and it is stirring up action and recognition that was there but fell out of sight and mind, getting buried in the back of my mind somewhere. In the process of finding it again, direction and clarity started to return.

"I'm a child of the Most High God and the Most High God's for me." - Ben Fuller ("Who I Am")

Upon listening to the words of this song fully and reflecting on God's nature, it is clear what I must do to the best of my ability...reflect His excellent image. 

No, I am not able to reach perfection. The only one who can truly do that is Jesus and He died a miserable death on the cross to set us free. Perfection ascended back up to Heaven with Him. Yet, we have His Spirit living inside of us. The Holy Spirit will guide us in the ways that we should go and how to conduct ourselves in the paths of righteousness. I hope to expound more tomorrow. For now, I need to get some sleep. I hope that you all rest well when you go to sleep next also. 

❤ Many blessings in God.


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