Thursday, June 14, 2018

~~ Sermon Notes Binder ~~

Part four of the Faith Binder Series.

So this one is probably one of the easiest and most straight forward of them all. There are not a lot of moving parts to this one once you have done the Bible study binders. 

I need to upgrade my binder to match the others. It is currently the blue one pictured above that says "My Bible Notebook".  That spine cover is from the tabs at Do Not Depart
The Moroccan tile printable paper I used for the other three is here

The divider tabs are done the same way as in the Bible Topical Study binder. 
The tabs are done much the same way as the subheading tabs for the Apostles (the gold templates I used for this binder are found here.)  in the Topical binder post and as the tabs in the Bible Book Study binder.  

The biggest differences are the names on the dividers and tabs are in a different font, Janda Celebration, 72pt and 16pt, respectively. 

I felt the black I used on the gold tabs was a bit too dark for me. So, I used Word to list all of the last names of the pastors I wanted to highlight. 

Then, I cut them out of the printed page and centered and taped them over the gold and where they would still show when the were all together. I did the multi-tape trick again. I love shortcuts sometimes. 😉

The teal color in the background is what I will probably use for character traits in the topical binder. 
I had just printed out a bunch of random topics. Then, I decided to color code the subheadings in the People subject to avoid the need for even more dividers. Under this theme, I will have to redo the tabs to colorize instead of confetti them. They are from the same site as the gold ones. I really like the double sided design, as you can tell. 😄

I skipped the washi tape on these dividers, since there is essentially already a decorative border. You will find the printable stationery that I used here

And the finished product, drumroll please.....

I love how they turned out and I hope that you do, too. If you like the idea for this binder, I forgot something (which totally happens sometimes), or you just wanted to say something positive in the comments, feel free to leave a message. 

Be blessed and have a great week!!


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