Friday, February 21, 2020

Split the Sea

Music is one of my personal favorite ways to get into touch with my thoughts and feelings. God uses that to the good of our relationship, as well. He knows that He can usually speak to me through music and I will pick up on it, even if just telling me doesn't work.

Sometimes, like now, He puts a song into my head and it will keep playing off and on until I do something with it. Sometimes He is trying to get me to listen to it and give me wisdom or an answer to something. Sometimes I feel led to share it on Facebook and not know for whom.

Other times, if that doesn't work or He has someone specific in mind, it won't go away until I share it where or when I feel He is leading me. At least once He has really laid it on my heart to share it directly with a specific and known person. That was really cool because it was the first time that He had done it that way and I wasn't really sure of myself in hearing Him. Yet, He stretched my faith and blessed the other person through it like He was originally intending too. He rocks. 💖😊

Why am I telling you this??  Well, it is because it is happening now. I have the song "Split the Sea" by Hannah Kerr on my mind all night. I am starting to get a little bit tired. I had actually forgotten what the song was that had been kicking around up there while I was doing other things on the blog.  I asked God to remind me what it was and He did almost instantly. So, without further ado, here it is. I hope that you are blessed by it. I really feel like someone is needing to hear this. With God's perfect timing, it could be now or someone who happens to cross this post 5 years from now. Whomever you are, here you go. 😁  God bless you!! 

Split the Sea - Hannah Kerr is a bonus video. lol  I left the song playing while I edited a little bit on the posts.  There was another Hannah Kerr that I need to check out when I am actually able to pay better attention. It is called "Giants Fall."

Then, THIS song came on. All-Time Favorites List alert!! lol

Write Your Story by Francesca Battistelli -Yay!! 😁

Devotionals are great!

I don't always use devotionals.  I am trying to change that.  This is a busy, mixed up, crayzee world these days.  Sometimes we are running on empty and just can't focus on reading the Bible (which is always better by far if we can).  Sometimes we just need to get past an emotional, physical, or spiritual hurdle before we can jump into the Bible. We might be fighting off depression and are struggling to be reminded of the truths that set us free.  Maybe we only have 5 minutes here and there and feel we don't have time to properly digest the Word.  With so much going on in our lives, sometimes it can be difficult to just take the scripture all in, much less ponder it from all angles.

What I love about devotionals is that you can see someone else's perspective on the same topic. Now, let's be clear. I am not meaning to suggest that they should take the place of reading the Bible itself or that they supercede the Bible. Neither of those things are true. It is far better to pray and be guided by the Holy Spirit while reading the Bible for yourself.

However, sometimes reading a devotional is like sitting in the same room and seeing light from two different angles coming through the sunlight on the window. The Holy Spirit might speak to you differently within the same scripture. Then again, sometimes they are just good reminders of things that we should already know but really needed to hear. 

I have a few devotional apps on my phone.  I have an Android but if you can't get them on iPhone I know they are available online as well. I decided to revisit a couple of them yesterday while I was somewhere waiting for my appointment. 

The first is the Daughters of the King.  I read a few of them and I loved them. I will share the titles with you and link to the source, as well.  (The title linked above goes straight to their homepage.)  I really encourage you to get the app or visit the website. 💓  I am sure that all of the devotionals are probably awesome but these really spoke into my spirit yesterday. 

The other app that I opened was Proverbs 31. Unfortunately, I did not get a chance to listen to the podcast, "4 Ways to Steward Your Season of Suffering Well."  I intend to, though, I just ran out of time. 

Keep in mind that I said I am aiming to get better at keeping up with the devotions.  I am not there yet. A couple of days prior, I had really loved devotions in the book, "Streams in the Desert" by L.B. Cowman.  There are 365 devotions for morning and evening (each). 

I don't know if anyone else marks in their books but in this one, I had to. Monochrome drives me nuts. I am pretty sure that is a me thing but equally as sure that there are other people like me out there. ;)  I also wanted to make notes that would not get misplaced. (I have a bad habit of forgetting which notebook I wrote it in or where I put that piece of paper. *rolling my eyes at myself* This just works better.  


I'm sorry for the lighting differences in these pics. It is late (I don't want to wait until tomorrow 😄) and I don't have a lot of light at my desk. I had to lighten them up with the picture editor. 👍

I hope that something in this post blessed you. If you have any questions, I will try to answer them as best I can.  Much love in Christ and many blessings to you! 

Friday night blog time! Yay!! :D

Good evening all.
I had some pretty big plans lined up for today for personal study but they were all snuffed out.  I wanted to go to the lake with my Bible and study -but there is a cold snap and it was projected yesterday that today would be about 58 degree high, 40% chance of rain, and windy.  Ooo-kaay. lol

I also had some personal studying that I wanted to do online but that is having technical issues. Sooo...I said, "Okay, God. What do YOU want me to do this evening?"  I'm pretty sure that I heard Him say, "Blog."  I am also sure that I heard "Job" but am not sure if that was me or Him. I know that it is a weakness of mine- that I have a hard time with Job. However, maybe He is leading me for wisdom. I'm not sure but His word doesn't return void. So... Tonight will be a Job and blog kind of night.👍

And chocolate. lol  I am on a deficit. I haven't had chocolate candy for a bit. Tonight I shall.

So, let's rock and roll!  😉👍

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Leaning On The Everlasting Arms / 'Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus (Medley)

~I'm so grateful.~

Hi, everyone!  I have a lot on my heart and mind today.  Hopefully, that will mean multiple posts and no good thought left behind. 👌

I hope you are all having a fantastic day/ evening. It has been absolutely gorgeous here! 

The first thing that is on my mind is how amazing is His love for us! That we would be able to have the opportunity to abide in His presence and to dwell there is something to be treasured!  How incredibly privileged we are, those that live in religious freedom, to not only speak the name of Jesus but to easily have the ability to read God's word and to openly worship Him wherever we are!  Oh that all nations felt the same peace of pursuit that we do!! 

😢Sadly, there are at least 50 nations, according to the 2020 World Watch List, that have high to extreme persecution. Please join me in praying for these nations and for our entire world.  I pray that we would all, as a human race, have open hearts and teachable spirits.  Faith and love know no skin color, and cannot be bound by ethnicity and political division. Everyone has the opportunity to be adopted into the family of God, thanks to the gift of salvation given through Jesus Christ. He died that we all might be saved and spend eternity with Him in heaven.

"(Romans 10:9-10) "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. {10} For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation."

🙌 Praise be to God that He has allowed us another breath and another day to move forward in this life. Thank You, Jesus!!

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