Friday, May 24, 2019

Restickable Glue Sticks

I don't know how many do and don't know about this, so I'm sharing. 
This is one of my absolute favorite Bible Journaling tools!! 

Seriously, this is in my Bible bag. It goes with me!
There are so many things that you can use this to stick into your Bible! 

I have also used it to make a master to do list and put it into my planner, so that I can move it with me through the week. Sometimes, I take a regular piece of notepad paper and write random things and put into my Bible. One of those is a list of books that I am currently wanting to write out.

They are pretty cheap. Amazon has them but it is cheaper and faster to go to Office Depot, if you have that availability. They are only around $2.50 there.

What is your absolute favorite tool? Any crayzee tips that we might not have thought of?


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